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Frequently Asked Questions

What does the procedure involve?

Your first step will be to make an appointment for a consultation, which you can learn more about          We will discuss what shape would look most flattering and which color will best suit your skin tone. 

On the day of the procedure, we spend much time determining the shape of the brows or liner before we begin.

Usually we will schedule 2 to 3 visits to give you the perfect result. The first appointment, we work more conservatively; it is easier to add pigment and strokes than to take them away. During the second appointment, the color can be adjusted. We numb the skin before all procedures.

What will my new permanent cosmetics look like?

Initially, the pigment in the brows will look dark for several days. Do not be alarmed if your brows look darker than desired when leaving your appointment. Once the skin begins to heal, the brows will lighten and soften. Eyeliner will initially also look very dark even if you have selected a lighter color.


As your body goes through the healing process, tiny raised areas may form where pigment was applied for some clients. This is what makes the pigment appear dark. As the layers of the skin begin to slough off, they cover the pigment so the color may appear faded or gone. After those layers completely slough off, the underlying pigment can be seen. With permanent cosmetics, it is necessary to wait until the skin is healed from the procedure before deciding if you want to make any changes. We can not do another procedure until you are healed from the first. 

Will permanent cosmetics change or look bad as I age?

Permanent cosmetics will fade gradually over time, so there will be no obvious change in your applications. When you return for a touch-up (which we recommend doing yearly), you can adjust the color as needed. 


Aging is one of the main reasons we do not recommend wide, winged eyeliners. As the eye ages, you can end up with what looks like a hook at the end of your eye. This is why we stick to more natural appearing permanent makeup. 

Can I keep my own brow hair?

Once we have decided on the best brow shape, any hair within that shape will stay and will only make the work look more natural. Any hair outside of the shape can be waxed or tweezed just as you would normally do with normal brow maintenance. 

Are permanent cosmetics really permanent? 

The cosmetics implantation technique deposits pigment into the upper reticular layer of the skin and is considered permanent because it can not be washed off. Unlike traditional tattoos, permanent cosmetics professionals do not use traditional tattoo ink (dye). The pigment we use is more delicate and designed to work with the skin's undertones to mimic hair. Every person's skin is different and will retain this pigment differently. Some factors that affect the longevity of permanent cosmetics include: color selected, age, thickness of skin, scarring, skin care products, injectables, laser treatments, medications and sun exposure. Everyone needs a refreshing of color periodically depending on pigment color and the factors listed above. 


  • Generally, blondes and light taupe shades may need to be refreshed every 6 to 12 months.

  • Mid-tone browns may need a touch-up every 9 to 12 months.

  • Dark browns may need a touch-up every 9 to 24 months. 

  • Very dark browns and blacks may need to be refreshed every six months, or in other cases tend to be able to go longer without touch-ups, depending on the factors listed above. 


Oftentimes, clients with pink to red undertones will pull gray or even blue-gray. Even if we use a warm colored pigment, the color could possibly begin to pull blue-gray over time without sufficient touch-ups. 


For clients with Alopecia, Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia, or Trichotillomania, extra touch-ups may be required to better maintain the work, and scarring may cause the pigment to not take properly. 


What if I am planning to have plastic surgery?

Many women choose to have eyeliner done before face lifts so they will look better during the recovery period. If you are considering a face lift, wait until after the healing process before having your brow procedure. 

What if I am using Latisse? Can I still get an eyeliner procedure?

We do not accept clients who have used Latisse or any lash enhancement product (such as Rapid Lash, Grande Lash, etc.) within the year. We ask that all clients planning a procedure with us stop using these products at least a year in advance. Lash growth products thin the membrane of the capillaries and contributte to pigment migration that cannot be corrected. 

What if I have lash extensions?

We require that lash extensions be removed before any eyeliner procedures. 

Artificial Lashes

I had an unsatisfactory procedure done elsewhere, can you fix it?

Unfortunately we are currently not taking any correction work. There are many unknown factors to building on a previous technician's work that can negatively affect the outcome of the procedure. 

What is the difference between microblading and what you offer?

Microblading is done by pushing pigment into small incisions made by a blade. What we do is slightly different and more similar to an actual tattoo gun. We use an instrument by Nouveau Contour. This is also called the "on-machine" technique whereas microblading is called "off-machine."

Is the procedure painful?

We use a strong topical anesthetic. The sensation of pain will vary between clients. Once the anesthetic takes effect, many clients report that they feel no discomfort. Some report that the eyeliner procedure tickles. 

Are there safety issues that I should be concerned with?

All procedures performed adhere to strict OSHA standard for safety and sterilization and by following all COVID-19 safety guidelines. Here is our safety protocol: 


  • Pre-sterilzed disposable needles that are opened in front of the client.

  • Pre-sterilized disposable pigment cups.

  • Gamma sterilized pigments used. No tattoo inks used.

  • Barrier film on all communicable surfaces. 

  • New treatment table paper used for each client. 

  • Disposable needle containment system.

  • New gloves between client procedures.

  • Distilled water used in disposable paper cup.

  • New cotton pads and cotton swabs.

  • Hospital grade disinfectant for tables, lamps, instruments and surfaces

  • Face masks work by all employees.

  • Social distancing by having one client in the studio at a time. 


Some contraindications for permanent cosmetics:

  • Pregnancy or nursing 

  • Allergy or sensitivity to metals

  • Keloid scarring 

  • Skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema in the treatment area 

  • use of Accutane or Latisse (and other lash enhancement products) within a year 


Always consult your physician if you are unsure or have any doubts of your eligibility for permanent cosmetics. 

Washing Hands
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